Ellio I will share some Alpha with you, have a look at what @MetisDAO

ETH L2 rollup solution is doing. They have Vitaliks mother on the team just to give you an idea where this project is heading. $METIS

Still under $200m MarketCap.

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Metis is Optimistic rollup and without fraud proofs.. why do you think it's any good? just because of vitalik's mum? thats a weird selling point..

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Thank you Oliver! ZK-rollups are a huge step forward. I really hope that people start to recognize that L1s aren't scalable and will run into the same problems as Ethereum if they are lucky enough to start filling blockspace. L2s are a necessity at the transaction layer. Here's hoping that in a few years we've abstracted away enough complexity and inefficiency that we're not still having conversations about L1s. Once the infra is in place we can move on to a supreme focus on UX and mass adoption.

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Very interesting read. Thanks Oliver!

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Wow! That was a long one! Much gratitude!

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Love this newsletter, bless you Oliver !

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Doesn't Polkadot solve this L1 scalability issue? Parachains ( L2) on Polkadot will provide specialised use cases such as defi, gaming etc.

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Parachains inferior to zk .. pretty much everything untill now - parachains, plasma, sides, optimistic... everything is inferior to zk..

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That's an interesting point of view.

Do you mean ZK superior in terms of design, security, scalability?

Fundamentally, parachains and ZK Rollups do the same thing. They batch transactions and send them to to the main blockchain (Mainnet on Ethereum and the Relay chain on Polkadot). They are both scaling technology. Both technologies have their pros and cons, but I am sure there is space in crypto for both to do well.

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Great read thanks Oliver

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